Monday, February 23, 2009

David got a new job

David got the job at IHC that he has been trying for. Finally! He was very patient with them and it paid off. Working for Select med as an accountant for good pay and benefits. That has been what he has needed for a LONG time. good benefits good job good hours. It will be great for him. He has been having a good time spending time with our miss and cleaning and what not but he is ready to be back to work and over the stir crazy feeling of staying home. Me on the other hand... I am more than ready for my time off work lol :)


Trish said...

That's great news! Congrats to David.

Christy said...

Yay! That is great!!
How soon till he starts?

Heatherslife said...

He starts on monday morning. He had to go in today for all the paperwork and every thing. It was weird they did tests for diseases I have never heard of along wit the usual drug testing. The drew blood and collected urine and took a skin and hair sample .... And so on lol Wierd huh. I guess that is a perk of working for a health insurance company you get to be sure you are disease free :)

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