Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Please Dr.Anders...

So I have an appointment tomorrow and I am crossing my fingers that she will say "Wow your four centimeters dilated, pack your bag we're checking you in!" Lol I realize I am still several weeks away from delivery (from their calculations) But I swear he is getting ready. I have all these things changing suddenly this week. My skin is breaking out. I can barely sit still for five minutes at work because my hips are killing me! It feels like he dropped drastically and all of a sudden I can barely make it up a flight of stairs that was cake three days ago. I can't sleep, im not hungry and I am soooo grumpy no one wants anything to do with me lol I am even feeling queasy again. Either I'm almost to the end or I'm starting the first trimester over again! Please let it be the earlier of the two. I guess we will find out tomorrow what the verdict is for now. The good news is that by my calculations which I believe are the RIGHT ones lol I we will be seeing this little guys face a couple weeks earlier than my Doctor says :)


Christy said...

Can David tell by looking at you whether the baby dropped or not?
I do not envy you right now, maybe in a few weeks, but not now. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Trish said...

Please baby Maveryk,
Don't come out till your lungs are good and strong.
And be nice to your Mommy.
Luv, Grandma

Amber said...

Ah the wonderful things pregnancy brings! :)

Love you and can't wait to meet my lil nephew. Hang in there. Just a lil bit longer!

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