Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gotta get the ball rollin...

So as you all know, I have been incredibly lazy the last few weeks. I planned to take one week off and then return to the working world but that some how turned into three weeks lol. I missed an interview yesterday at teleporformance and I am almost certain I would have gotten the job so I was kinda bummed out. I got a call from them this morning appoligizing to ME that I wasn't able to make it and asking if I would like to reschedule lol Wow they must really need people. So I made another interview for 3:30 today. We will see how that goes. I think I will get it and start on monday or so. Thats mostly my life this week. I finally decided to get my butt in gear and clean out all of the clothes in my room that I don't actually wear anymore. I am going to have a yard sell on saturday with Kay and Brad and Frank so if any one else wants to join in let me know. Were going to do it here at my house since my yard is on the main road and all. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Hey! You better not be selling any of MY clothes! ;)

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