Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's My Birthday!!! Yay 20!

Well its my birthday and its not so bad after all. I had a meeting this morning that was good and I work at two. I get to spend a few hours inbetween with my girl so im having a good day :) I feel happy to be 20 :) Not as old as I though it was back when I was like fifteen lol. I had a blast on our camping trip this weekend even though I accidentally ditched every one sunday morning ( sorry about that again) :> whoops. Work is getting better and better. I am having fun getting to know every one. I have not hung out with Noah who I mentioned before. at least not yet. I have been talking to another guy who I really like. I am certain it wont go anywhere because there are complications lol but He is a great guy and will hopefully turn out to be a good friend for a long time! I better get going so I can get ready for work and clean up my house :) Hope your all having a good day! HAppy happy third anniversary to Dad and Christy!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Yay happy 20th birthday sister! Hope you have a good one! The picture of the sunset at the gorge is beautiful!

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