Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh Please Oh please Oh please

I applied for a couple different positions that are open at work. I am getting so bored in my position and if I am going to remain working for another year or something then I need a new fresh job description but of course I want to keep the same employer around :) I finished up the whole application process today and I am hoping and wishing and praying and dreaming that they will invite me to an interview this week or early next week! Everyone keep their fingers crossed for me :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ah Time flies by!

I think about blogging all the time but when I finally get aroud to it so many things have past I dont even know what to blog about. How about I post some pics os Mavs birthday party and some days since then? That way I will be all caught up and I can try to stay on top of it again :)
Here we go!

Thought this was a perfect one to end with lol. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if they took all day to load up!

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