Sunday, May 24, 2009

My big girl!

So today Tukker was upstairs playing while David and I were in the living room. She came down the stairs with no diaper on. David went up to find the mess and clean it up :) When he got up there he saw her diaper lying on the ground in the bathroom so he decided to check in her potty seat. Sure enough she had gone number one! We have had her potty seat since christmas but she has never gone on it and I wasn't even sure that she knew what it was for lol I guess she does! She is such a big girl! I can't beleive she went her first time all by herself with out any one knowing she was doing it!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Good bye to Brianna

My dear friend Brianna Hughes passed away recently and today I will be attending her funeral with some of my sisters. When some thing like this happened I can't help but let it leave me asking so many questions: Why didn't I stay closer to her as we got older, why didn't I make more of an effort to keep in touch, Why do we let friendships slip away after years of being close to people. Brianna was a very good friend of mine for the first several years of my life. Our moms were best friends when we were born so it trickled down to there children. I have always called Bri and her sisters my cousins when I talk about them to new friends I make. We grew up side by side and spent a lot of time together as kids. As our moms drifted apart we did too unfortunately. A few years ago I reconnected with her and I started talking to her and spending time with her here and there for a while. I remember sitting outside of a dollar movie drinking slurpees and we promised each other that we would have each other for our mades of honor when we found ourselves husbands. lol We had not been all that close for a while but we decided that we were each others first best friends so we had earned that honor. She was a really sweet person and was always a lot of fun to be around. I know that over the years she has been through a lot of hard times with her family and life in general but she was always a happy person anyways and really seemed to strive to do better than people would expect. I will miss her very much and I will always wish I had known her a little better as a woman since we were such great friends as young girls. May we all hope that these losses are far and in between while we miss this beautiful person.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Financial Freedom!

So thanks to my loving mother :) WE attended the Dave Ramsey show last night and it was great. I feel like David and I were already heading in the right direction to get out of debt and start saving but we needed the information and motivation that Dave provided. We got all pumped up and now we are on our way to financial freedom! Here are my goals for our new journey:

By my 30th Birthday (9 years) I will:
1: Own a house
2: Have zero dollars in debt ( no mortgage or Student loans)
3:Have at least five thousand cash in the bank for emergency money
4: Be finished with school and also finished paying for it :)

So here we go! David is excited and pumped up and focused and I am busy planning away and probably getting ahead of myself lol. CHHEEEEETTAHHHHH

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I love spring!

I am so happy that the warm weather is finally here. I can't wait to start going camping and boating and doing all the fun summer activities. The warm weather is also an excuse for every one to get out and get some excersize to boost the great progress they are having with there diets! I started over this week on my fittness goals because I felt like I had loss sight of my plan and fallen back into some bad habbits. So far this week I feel great. I even visited the gym last night for the first time in months! woo hoo

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring Project!

I put this together from start to finish yesterday and it only cost about 10 dollars. I stained the wagon and filled it with the soil and planted some bright spring flowers! I set it out side my front door for some color. I love these little projects that make my house feel more like a home!

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