Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tukker's Big Girl Room!!!

Tukker is officially a big girl with a big girl room!!! We updated it and transformed her bed into a toddler bed awhile ago but tonight I finished the job for now :) Thanks to Aunt Kiki, T now has a big girl dresser too. Here are the pictures of the finished room...

We put all of her clothes nicely in her big new dresser...

Gave her a small toy corner for all of her big toys that take up floor space and for her heaping basket of stuffed friends....

She looooves her art corner. She got this little Table for Christmas from mom and dad and every one else gave her lots of fun arts and crafts stuff to start her collection. We hung up a few of her art works on the walls for inspiration :) ...

Her rocking chair is placed awkwardly under the window with her basket ball. Two items that have yet to find a home...

This small white dresser was previously her clothing dresser. Now its a big girl Toy box! All of her smaller toys are neatly organized in the drawers where she can reach them and where mom and dad can conveniently tuck them out of sight...
And last but not least her sweet little brother enjoying her new uncluttered floor :)

We had fun rearranging. It will be great when we can paint and decorate a new room for her in our own house but for now I think she will be happy in here!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bath Babies!!!

We had a fun time in the bath tonight! We started a photo session and the babies were totally into it :) Here are some snap shots...

MMM shampoo tastes delicious!

I LOVE this face on my boy he he he...

Look how pretty she is. Soon she will be too big and pretty for tub time pics!

"Whats on my head? I can't see it!"...

There is our precious moment to share for the evening :) Love you all!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Our Christmas art project :)

We decided to do a little art project this morning. I wanted to make Christmas ornaments for the tree so this is what I came up with.

In the process we had quite a mess. Paint and an 8 month old is not the best mixture! My little guy got a hold of the paint brush lol

He got it all over himself and in his mouth. He even managed to get a little in his sisters hair lol. We had fun though and they look cute on our tree!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Soooo Long....

Hey all, Sorry it's been so long! Feels like I have had nothing to talk about! So I decided I needed to update my blog and document some stories and pics :)

First picture: Tukker Decided she had some oowies and she needed some giant bandaids (aka Panty liners) lol She came down with her belly and leg all doctored up...
Brother is getting sooooo big. He sits up by his self, he is getting close to crawling, he says mama and dada and he has 6 teeth! my big little boys...
And a few more just for fun :)...
We recently converted Tukkers room into a big girl room too so I need to snap some good pics and post them too! I don't know if I posted yet about my new position at work but I am now in retention! I love it love it and it is going fabulously! I also joined a biggest loser contest at work that started monday and runs for 10 weeks. I am off to a good start so I will keep you posted on that too!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Magical Shrinking baby!

We went to the doc today and found out that mister Maveryk has not only decided to stop growing he actually decided he is going to reverse the growing process and shrink! Lol maybe we will get to have a tiny baby forever :) More to come on that most likely but hopefully not to much more :) ...
Work is same old same old. I struggle every day just to get myself to my desk. I would rather stay home forever and bake and rock my sweet babies to sleep :) Hopefully it is not far in the future and I will be sure to appriciate it more than before this time! I am so happy to have Grey's, House, nip tuc and private practice back in my life! Starting to feel worth it to pay a cable bill now :) And its not over yet! We still have American Idol to look forward to right around the corner! Well it seems as though tv shows are the highlight of my conversation today so I suppose I will go :) Just checking in!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Man were lazy parents some times!

Last night at about eleven-o-clock Tukker starts screaming Mom Mom MOMMMM DAD! I went in there and asked "What's wrong baby?!?" She yells "Potty Big Girl" I lifted her out of her bed and sat her down she took off and ran to the bathroom unzipped her jammies squinting at the bright light pulled off her diaper and plopped down on the big girl potty lol she finished her business let me put back on her diaper and jammies. She walked back in her room waited by her bed for me to lift her back in then rolled over and went to sleep..... OH MY GOODNESS. I came straight down stairs and started lecturing David and myself about how lazy we are some times! We are so lazy that our two year old had to decide to potty train herself lol Wow we need to kick it up a notch and help her out!

Friday, September 25, 2009


My first slumber party went so well on Wednesday and I have another one on the books in two weeks! Woo Hoo I am excited for my new business! It is a lot of fun and I think it is really gonna help us out having this extra income! Anyone wants a catalog let me know! ;) My babies are getting bigger so fast. Maveryk is a joy to be near. He really lites up the room :) He has the sweetest laugh and smile and energy about him and he is almost always happy as long as grandma isn't babysitting ;)
Tukker is so smart. I have such a hard time dealing with her being two years old some times but I know it will pass and she will be my little side kick again. I love listening to her say new things like "oh my goodness!" and "Brothers a bad girl!" lol its so cute the things she just comes up with on her own she is so funny. I just love them. Being a parent is by far the best best best job in the world. Maybe I need five or six more babies :) ok ok maybe just one or two he he (we'll see)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two front teeth! :)

Mr.Maveryk decided to get some teeth! He went and got a pair of shiny toothers to go right in the middle on the bottom! He is far ahead of where his sister was at five and a half months! I believe she got her first tiny tooth at about eight months old lol then she only had one for a while before the second showed up! But not my mister! He is ready for some steak and he is not gonna wait! I will post a pic when I get a good one :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer coming to an end

Ahh I love late summer early fall. I always feel like doing lots of outside activities because the weather is so nice! As a family we went to a bees game a few days ago and on Saturday we went and joined the walk for a cure for juvenile diabetes. Both days were a lot of fun! I loved it. We are hoping to do a few more activities before the end of the season so hopefully we will be able to squeeze them into the schedule and of course the budget :) I finally got all of the kids summer pics put on a disk so I will post some for your viewing pleasure! as soon as blogger will let me attach pics again lol hopefully tonight!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Not to much new

I have not written in almost a month! Seems like there is nothing to post about recently. David was laid off so now he is working on some construction jobs while he tries to find another accounting job. I am still working and I guess its not to bad but I do miss being home with my babies :) Before to long I am sure I will be home with them again for a good while. I am glad it is beginning to cool down. It makes me want to go out and do some thing fun out doors like camp or go to timpanogas cave! Maybe this weekend! We'll see. Anyways just wanted to check in. I will write again when I have something more exciting to write about :) see ya

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Tukker Bear's Birthday

Today at 3:11 pm my sweet baby girl had been in this world for two years. It has been a crazy two years that has both flown by and crept slowly along with ever lasting moments. I remember when she was born I had no idea how to feel. My mom promised me that if I waited to give birth until she got home from West Virginia that she would do the hard part for me. When it came down to the last moment I remembered that even though I had waited for my mommy I was still going to have to do this myself. I was scared to death. It was a seven hour labor that felt like a hundred years. Not because it was hard or stressful or even all that painful. It lasted forever because as badly as I wanted my body back I also wanted my baby to stay inside where she would be safe and warm and I could have her all to myself. The moment finally arrived where I saw her beautiful fat little face...I felt like I was frozen in time. I was laughing and kinda crying. I remember my mom taking my hands and putting them on my babies skin. She was saying, "feel her Heather. Feel how warm she is. She is all yours." I felt scared to touch her for some reason. It didn't seem real. As soon as I snapped out of it and the world begun to spin again I couldn't stop kissing her and holding her tight to me. She was so smooth and had beautiful olive skin, she was warm and smelled good and she loved me and I loved her. More than anything :) For that first year she wasn't my baby she was my best friend and my side kick. At times I felt like she was all I had and at times I enjoyed sharing everything I had with her. She would cry and scream ALL THE TIME and I still wanted to smile even when I wanted to cry. After she got through her screaming phase she became the smiley baby that every one loved. She is gorgeous and funny and full of character. I can't believe she is two now. The second year of her life went much faster than the first and now she is entering her terrible twos! But when she is not having a meltdown, she is funny and so smart and a blast to just be with...and an awesome big sister to her baby that she loves almost to much. Here are some of my favorite pics over the last two amazing years. Enjoy!
Still cooking...Fresh out of the oven...Two weeks old...Few weeks later with Aunt Crystal...Sleeping with daddy at two months...Late night photo shoot with mommy 3 months...First Christmas 6 months...Learning to crawl together 8 months...Playing with her mommy 10 months...First time at "the beach" 11 months...Park with cousin Caydance 14 months...First Christmas 18 months...
Thena's Birthday party 23 months...
Hanging with Grandma Bea on her big second birthday!
"To Reminisce is to remind ourselves of who we are and we we may become." May she grow strong and healthy, Live long and happy, and always have love within her and all around her.
Love you Tukker Davidia

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My little ones are getting so big! Just wanted to post some recent pics...
Doesn't she look like an angel :).

Playing on the floor together.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Credit counceling

I had a credit counceling appointment on monday and the woman counceling me was awesome and very inspirational! She is a 40 year old widow with three nearly grown children and she is a very successfull carrer woman. All three of her kids were home schooled for there entire elementry, jr.high, and high school. We got into a conversation about home schooled families and the benifits and what not. I have been interested in home school since I had Tukker but hadn't begun looking into it much yet. I just kinds figured she would start public school along with every one else because thats what you do when you turn four or five. This woman really made me concider home school with a much stronger interest. I have never been very happy with the education that I recieved in the public school and I know that some of that has to do with how much I put into it but I think it is also a common downside of the public schools. With 30 - 1 class size ratios and a strict ciriculum to stick to how much attention can each child really recieve? Children with special needs and slower learning speeds often get held back in school when they really just need some extra one on one attention. All of the information that school aged children need to learn I already know or I have easy access to. If I home school my kids I can teach them at there speed and really focus on there strengthss and work through there struggles. If I am wanting to be home with them anyway as a stay home mom why not make the decision to really get involved and do there schooling myself to. SO anyways David and I are starting to research it and look more into our options. We still have some time to really decide. What are every one elses thoughts on home school?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I started work a week and a half ago and I am already having SAHM withdrawals. I hate the dilemma that comes along with parenting. I totally have the option to stay home which means that I am leaving my babies for hours a day BY CHOICE! But when I am home I feel depressed because I am not doing much of anything and I never see and other adults! I hate making choices especially ones that actually matter like this. Having the extra income from me working will really help us pay off our student loans and save up faster and I really enjoy my job and the people I work with. On the other hand, when I am home my kids are happier and seem to sleep and eat better and my husband is happier because not only does he see me more but I also keep the house a lot cleaner when I am not working! I don't know what to do!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some pictures!

Before hair... Plain and boring...

After hair... punk teenager/cute soccer mom/ business woman!
I added a few more for fun look at my girlies sweet smile! She loves holding her brother!

And look at THAT smilie! WHat a handsome boy I have :)

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