Thursday, August 21, 2008


That goes for a few things! Number one: I woke up this morning at Eight and went for a two mile walk that was terribly painful because I have an injured foot but I did it anyway and I feel great! I am going again tonight. I also got a job! After a third interview yesterday with teleperformance I got the job and filled out my paperwork. I am pretty excited! I start Monday. :) So this morning David met me at the track to walk. If I haven't mentioned it on here before he has been helping get Frank motivated and get into shape before he leaves. It has been really nice and I think it is really good for the relationship between all of us. We are all going to be a family before to long so better get over the awkwardness sooner rather than later:) He isn't perfect but he sure has been doing better lately. While his best can be disappointing at times I really think he tries to do his best when ever he can. He loves that baby girl and really wants to be a good friend to me. I think that is in big thanks to the example that my four awesome parents set for me and all my siblings :) Love you guys!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gotta get the ball rollin...

So as you all know, I have been incredibly lazy the last few weeks. I planned to take one week off and then return to the working world but that some how turned into three weeks lol. I missed an interview yesterday at teleporformance and I am almost certain I would have gotten the job so I was kinda bummed out. I got a call from them this morning appoligizing to ME that I wasn't able to make it and asking if I would like to reschedule lol Wow they must really need people. So I made another interview for 3:30 today. We will see how that goes. I think I will get it and start on monday or so. Thats mostly my life this week. I finally decided to get my butt in gear and clean out all of the clothes in my room that I don't actually wear anymore. I am going to have a yard sell on saturday with Kay and Brad and Frank so if any one else wants to join in let me know. Were going to do it here at my house since my yard is on the main road and all. Should be fun.

Friday, August 15, 2008

All sworn in

So Frank is officially in the military. He got sworn in yesterday and recieved all of his gear and every thing. The beginning of a whole new thing for him. He is excited and I think it will be great for him. He found out that he doesn't leave till November fourth witch kinda sucks for us. He will just barely miss his parents returning from their mission and he will be gone for the holidays (except Halloween and that's his fav!) He will be home around the end of April from what we have calculated but there is no telling for sure. We will just have to wait and see :) Wish him luck!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Playing super mom!

SO while Kenz is in surgery I have been staying at moms and taking care of the kids. Its just Emily, Jaxon, Tukker and I and Crystal comes and goes. We are having fun. It has not been to bad. other than some nap trouble and some grumpy baby times. We have just been eating and sleeping and bathing and playing lots and lots. I am getting a little glimps of how life will be some day with multipul kids :) Im surviving and I hear kenz is doing very well too! All is good.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A whole week at home :)

So I have been sitting around my very clean house for a week now and loving every minute of it. I see T 10 times more than when I am working. I actually have time to keep my house clean and I take a nap just about every day lol. It is great. I am going to begin actually looking for a job on Tuesday and ill have to say a sad but temporary good bye to the house wife life. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ahhhh sweet unemployment :)

LOL well I have not written in some time as all of you can see. I started to get a lot of things to update then I just didn't want to do it. I'm lazy what can I say. :) I quit my job because I was sick of them treating me like CRAP. It felt amazing to completely screw Kerin over haha. I am getting Married! I can't believe that one myself. Before the marriage though, Frank will be leaving for nine whole months to Georgia for Training with the Guard. I figure it will be my finale test to see if I am cut out to be a military wife :) Should be fine. We announced out engagement to his parents via phone yesterday and now every one in our families officially knows. You should have seen how nervous he was to tell them hehe. They were very very excited and his mom said she has been praying that they would be coming home form there mission to a wedding. I guess her prayers were answered. Well this is day two of my unemployment so I better get to work on some job hunting. I will keep yall posted. Only six or seven months and I will officially be out of debt completely and be a SAHM with my sisters and mom woo Hoo! Can't wait!

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